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Visualizzazione post con etichetta jazz femminile women of jazz. Mostra tutti i post


Marilyn fece cantare Ella Fitzgerald al Mocambo (che l'aveva cassata per via del fatto che era nera - anni '50)

Marilyn fece cantare Ella Fitzgerald al Mocambo (che l'aveva cassata per via del fatto che era nera - anni '50) adducendo che sarebbe stata nel club se EF avesse cantato nel locale. E così fece... Grandi donne 

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Wonderful story on the unlikely sisterhood of actress Marilyn Monroe & jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald! Blogger Patricia Grannum writes, "Apparently in the 50s, a popular nightclub, Mocambo would not book Ella Fitzgerald because she was black.Fortunately for Ella, she had a powerful and unlikely benefactor:
“I owe Marilyn Monroe a real debt… it was because of her that I played the Mocambo, a very popular nightclub in the ’50s. She personally called the owner of the Mocambo, and told him she wanted me booked immediately, and if he would do it, she would take a front table every night. She told him - and it was true, due to Marilyn’s superstar status -- that the press would go wild. The owner said yes, and Marilyn was there, front table, every night. The press went overboard. After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again. She was an unusual woman - a little ahead of her times. And she didn’t know it.” - Ella Fitzgerald
For many Mighty Girl stories that explore racial discrimination and prejudice, visit
There are two wonderful picture book biographies about Fitzgerald's incredible life story: "Skit-Scat Raggedy Cat," a lively, playful picture book for children ages 5 to 9 ( and "Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa" -- beautifully illustrated picture book for children ages 5 to 9 ( 
She is also included in “Sophisticated Ladies: The Great Women of Jazz,” a compilation of biographies written for ages 11 and up ( 

For more stories of girl and women in the arts, visit our “Creative Arts” section at

Thanks to Women of Colour page for sharing this story:

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