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Visualizzazione post con etichetta My Sardinian Life. Mostra tutti i post


conoscono più [sic ] la sardegna gli stranieri che noi sardi

dal  blog  della protagonista

This past March I was contacted by Silvana Porcu, an English-speaking Sardinian journalist from La Nuova Sardegna. She and her editors were looking for an article on Sardinia, but from an outsiders point of view. Silvana found My Sardinian Life and she contacted me. We did the interview via Skype, she in Alghero and I in my adopted home town in Sardinia.I would like to thank Silvana for taking the time out to interview me on My Sardinian Life. And another huge thanks to La Nuova Sardegna for printing the article. This was a huge honour for me, thank you.What joy and exposure! I’ve already been contacted by a woman who lives in Olbia, Sardinia and she is Canadian! Imagine! I thought I was the only Canadian on the island. I’m looking forward to meeting these newfound friends.

My Sardinian Life – A Canadian blogger reveals the secrets of the island …

pe r ingrandire  cliccate  sopra  .  proprio  questa    storia mi fa  ritornare  alla mente  questa  canzone  

emergenza femminicidi non basta una legge che aumenti le pene ma serve una campaga educativa altrimenti è come svuotare il mare con un secchiello

Apro l'email  e tovo  queste  "lettere "   di  alcuni haters  \odiatori  ,  tralasciando  gli  insulti  e le  solite  litanie ...